Monday, June 2, 2014

The Fruit Grill!!

My dad decided this evening to do a fun project with us all!  So off to the store he went with my mom to get the supplies!  I was quite surprised when he returned with bags of fruit, just because normally my dad does projects with electronics and all that sort of stuff...but not this time!  We all gathered around the table and worked, per my dad's instructions, until it all came together as a fruit grill!!  It was so cute and a ton of fun to do together!!  You should try it as a family this summer! :)
Cutting up fruit

The stick broke! 

The start of the grill

Making the kabobs!

Adding the "charcoal"

The grill

My kabobs

Zack LOVES pineapple... can you tell???

Doing chocolate covered kabobs

Carter decided to try a chocolate covered pepper!

And then he proceeded to try a choc. covered jalapeno.....and here you can see the end result!! It was HOT!

The grill!

{Let's Cruise}

For my birthday Jerry surprised me with a 5 day cruise to the Bahamas!  Other than a little rockin' and rollin' (literally!) everything went smooth. :)  Each morning started up with a delicious breakfast, followed by lots walking, sightseeing and just enjoying each others company!  We even had time to play miniature golf on the ship.  It was a lot of fun!  Here are some of the pictures from our trip~

Getting ready for a massage! :)

A Rabbit

Dinner on the seas!

Freeport, Bahamas

Souvenir shopping

Coconut Trees

A Yacht 

On the glass bottom boat

Catching Sharks

Pizza Hut!  One of the largest ones we've seen before, too!

Walking on the beach

Fresh young coconut juice!


Mr. Elephant

Our boat

Entrance to the Governor's Mansion

Bohemian Currency

The home of the U.S. Embassy representative

In Atlantis


One of the canons they used to protect the Island when they belonged to Britain

At the top of Fort Fincastle
lol :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

::Home Alone::

A couple of weeks ago my dad surprised my mom with a cruise to the Bahamas with him!  They left this past Sunday and got home this morning.  It just happened to worked out perfectly that Zack and I would be able to be home the whole time they were gone to help with the little boys and keeping things up at the house!  Everything went pretty smoothly....if you excuse the part about the freezer and some sickness, and...well nevermind!  I think all of us older ones have a better appreciation for our parents; there's just nothing like them, and things always seem to go better when they are home! :)   Besides all that and the normal day to day stuff we also went out one evening and ate dinner at Chick-fil-a (the best!!) and watched Rio 2 at the theatre! It was fun to get out for a night! :)  Here are a couple of photo's from our time at home!  My mom will do a post about their side of the trip sometimes soon.  Hope you have a great day weekend! :)

Eating lunch!


Just hangin' out! :)

Lot's of school work!

James is a great dish washing helper!

We made a fort!!

Playing in the fort was lots of fun!

The boys also had a small pillow fight!